About  Nick Smith

Some of you may remember us from the BBC TV show "Money for Nothing," where our CEO, Nick Smith, appeared in over 40 episodes. Nick was headhunted by the show during its early seasons (1-3) in 2016-2022, becoming a significant figure for several years.

Joe Einhorn and Fancy.com

In addition to his TV work, Nick has partnered with USA CEO Joe Einhorn, who ran the billion-dollar e-commerce website Fancy.com. Nick and Joe collaborated on the Fancy platform, selling to high-end blue-chip companies, famous sportsmen, and movie stars. Their ventures took him to New York, where he rubbed shoulders with notable personalities like Jack Dorsey and Will Smiths Insider.

News Articles

Since 2014, when Nick,started the business, we have been featured in several prestigious publications. We have been highlighted in the Times magazine spread in 25 beautiful Homes magazine and appeared in Gq, the Independent and the business Insider, to name a few.